Digital age marketing

A strong brand voice is a living, breathing manifestation of your brand promise. This voice comes from a much deeper place than stringing together clever words and phrases to sell products. An authentic brand voice solves problems, delivers a great customer experience, and stands for something.
That’s as true in the digital age as it was in the analogue one. The problem is that it’s much harder to have a strong and consistent brand voice in the digital age. The very breadth of consumer interactions with a brand…has fragmented and complicated how brands connect with consumers.
At its core, the issue is that many brand organisations haven’t caught up to the realities of the digital age.
While consumers swap out devices and surf across channels without thinking about it, many businesses are stuck in siloed functions. The brand team is off doing ad buys, while the direct marketing team is making Search Engine Optimisation decisions, and the customer-service teams are reading from their own scripts.

Even with the best of intentions, coordination is challenging because of separate reporting structures, narrow performance incentives and no clear accountability.… It’s hard to provide a winning customer experience when the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing. That just leads to uncoordinated plan execution, frustrating customer experiences and unfulfilled growth.

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